Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gian has a new Secret Squad!

From the depths of the Sierra Stages, home of UCB’s Tuesday Night Thunder, a team of performers who never have performed together came to form THE SECRET SQUAD. Scott Hayes put together this team for the TNT March Madness Tournament where they would have 8 minutes to win over the audience and move on to the final four.  The show exploded with amazing energy as the 7 performers started with an X-men themed group game which led into the 2 other scenes in the 8 minute time frame.  They rocked it and established them as a force to be reckoned with. The team Snapkin ended up taking the championship that night but the damage was done. Secret Squad was now on the radar of the UCB community or at least everyone who was at TNT that night.

April 7th, 2009 Secret Squad returned to the Sierra Stages for their first 30 minute run as an improv wrecking crew, with new members Jack Allison and Matty Smith.  The show was amazingly fun and super energetic and once again the Secret Squad held the audience to a laugh a minute frenzy. Now they look ahead toward the future and in their sights awaits a chance to challenge the champions on the UCB Cagematch. The team that is still fairly new and was a tournament team ,but now will work on getting a run going as UCB Champs. This is where you come in! Join the Secret Squad and watch us take on the giants and if you so approve, vote us into victory. We will give them hell! Make a reservation below…

Secret Squad is Scott Hayes, Mike Carlson, Gian Molina, Adam Mccabe, Jack Allison, Brendan Mcgovern and Matty Smith

Make a reservation here: